Jan 12, 2011

Refreshing the sitemap

Sometimes after you delete a page, the link still appears in dynamic menus that read the sitemap.  If you click on these ghost links, you get a 404 page or an error message "An error has occurred while processing your request"

These links should go away on their own as site maintenance runs (every 15 minutes or so), but there's a trick to force this to occur faster.

In your browser's address bar, add   /page/refreshsitemap   after the .com or .org of your site. For example, if my domain is 'domain.org' I would visit these two links:




If you visit each of these links once after deleting a page it should clear up those automatic menus. You’ll see a blank white browser screen when the page loads.  Then go back to your site and the ghost links should be gone.

This can also apply to other changes to the sitemap, such as relocating a page to a different node in the sitemap, or moving the page up and down in the sitemap.  As long as site maintenance is running, these changes will be reflected in dynamic (automatic) menus within a few minutes, but you can do this sitemap refresh trick if you need it to change immediately.

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