Apr 26, 2011

How to Delete a Document

1.  Check out the content. Click the file name and select Check Out from the dropdown menu. You will be given the opportunity to comment, then click Check Out.

Notice there is now a pencil and a lock icon in the Status column to indicate the content is checked out to you and is changing from the published version.

2.  Mark for deletion. Click the file name and select Delete Content < Delete from System. Then click Yes, delete the content. in the popup window.

There will now be a pencil and a red circle icon, denoting that the content is marked for deletion.

3.  Publish the changes to complete deletion. 
  • With workflow, submit to workflow and then approve.
  • Without workflow, select Publish from the document dropdown menu.

Edit a Document (Upload New Version)

Editing documents must be done through applications on your desktop. Documents themselves cannot be edited from the browser. Instead, you can download the document to your PC, make edits, and then upload that file as a new version of an existing document. The URL will remain the same, so if a visitor follows a link to get to the document, or you’re replacing an image on the site, the user will only see the newest published version of the file.

Step 1: Download the document to your computer for editing.
  1. Open Document Explorer (click Files in the GeoDocs toolbar) and navigate to your document.
  2. Click the document name and select View Content Properties from the dropdown.
  3. On the Content History tab, click View next to the most recent published version of the document. This will give you the option to save the document to your computer. 

Step 2: Edit and Save the document on your computer.

Step 3: Upload the new version in place of the previous version.

  1. In Document Explorer, click on your document file name and this time select Edit from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the Edit Content window, on the Content Details tab, click Browse and select the file from your computer. At this time if you can also make changes to the properties or location of the document.

  3. Click Check In to check in and save the document. You will be given the opportunity to leave comments, then click Check In. You will now see a pencil icon next to the file name.

  4. Publish the document by either selecting Publish in its dropdown menu, or Workflow

Roll Back a Document to a Previous Version

Note: versioning and roll back are features only available in the Enterprise license level of GeoDocs.  

To view previous versions of content in Document Explorer, first click the FILES button in the main top toolbar.  Navigate through folders to a document.   Left click on a document name and then choose ‘View Content Properties’.

On the ‘Content History’ tab you can view previous versions of a document.  For web content, when you select “view” the content will be displayed in a content viewer pop-up window or downloaded to your computer to be opened by a desktop application, depending on the file type.

Content Properties as seen when document is checked in.  (No Save button or rollback option)

To roll back content, first check out the content by left clicking on the file name and selecting ‘Check Out’.  Left click the document name again and select ‘View Content Properties’.  On the ‘Content History’ tab you will now see the ability to roll back to earlier versions:

A third version of the document was created when it was checked out.

Click on ‘rollback’ next to the version you wish to restore, and then click ‘Save’.  The popup will go away and the content will now be checked out but looking like the version selected.  If you were to look at the Content History now, it would look like this:

Version 4 is a checked-out copy of version 1, which was selected for the rollback.  (Version 2 is the last published version that is currently live on the site, Version 3 was created when the content was checked out.)  The content can now be checked in and submitted to workflow for approval.

Jan 12, 2011

Refreshing the sitemap

Sometimes after you delete a page, the link still appears in dynamic menus that read the sitemap.  If you click on these ghost links, you get a 404 page or an error message "An error has occurred while processing your request"

These links should go away on their own as site maintenance runs (every 15 minutes or so), but there's a trick to force this to occur faster.

In your browser's address bar, add   /page/refreshsitemap   after the .com or .org of your site. For example, if my domain is 'domain.org' I would visit these two links:




If you visit each of these links once after deleting a page it should clear up those automatic menus. You’ll see a blank white browser screen when the page loads.  Then go back to your site and the ghost links should be gone.

This can also apply to other changes to the sitemap, such as relocating a page to a different node in the sitemap, or moving the page up and down in the sitemap.  As long as site maintenance is running, these changes will be reflected in dynamic (automatic) menus within a few minutes, but you can do this sitemap refresh trick if you need it to change immediately.

Jan 11, 2011

Publishing Content and Pages

GeoDocs requires certain changes to be published or approved at the page level:

  • Add a section using 'Create Section' or 'Assign Section'
  • Delete a section (unless the page was never published after the section was added)
  • Add content to a static section using 'Create Content' or 'Assign Content'

Other changes can be done at either the page or content level.  If a piece of content has been changed in a static section, and the content is checked in, you may be able to publish/approve both the content and the page at the same time.  This depends on the group ownership of the content and the page, as well as your user permissions in those groups and the workflow or publishing settings.  (The easiest way to find out is to try publishing the page and see if the content goes with it.)
  • Edits to a piece of content that already existed in the section.
  • NOT to edits to content within dynamic sections.


Publishing or Approving Content

Left click the geode for the piece of content to be published.  In the dropdown menu, follow the appropriate steps based on whether your site uses workflow.
  • With workflow: Check in, Submit to workflow, Approve
  • Without workflow: Check in, Publish
When the content is checked out, a lock icon and a pencil icon will appear next to the content geode.  Upon check-in, the lock will disappear and the pencil will remain.  When the content is in workflow, a grey gear icon will appear.  Once the content is published, only the geode should be left.

Publishing or Approving Pages

Page publishing is done from the PAGE button in the top toolbar.  When anything on a page has been edited, the status icon in the toolbar will change from a yellow star, to a small pencil. When the page is in workflow, the grey gear icon will appear there.  (Pages do not get 'checked out' like content.)

Follow the publishing steps for your environment:
  • With workflow: Submit to workflow, Approve
  • Without workflow: Publish

Note- if you are not a workflow approver in the group that owns the page or content, then the option to 'Approve' will not be available.  Likewise, you must have the correct user permissions to have the option to 'Publish' in a page or content menu.