Oct 5, 2010

How to Remove Content from a Dynamic Section

Dynamic sections display content based on the properties the section is searching for.  For example, a calendar list section might display all events with the topic "Training".  This article shows how to make content stop showing in a particular section, but still keep the content in the database.  If you want to delete the content altogether, that's something different.

To remove content from a dynamic section you must change the content's properties.  First, we need to understand what properties the section is looking for.
Log in
Turn on Edit Mode (top toolbar)
Left-click the section geode, and choose 'View Section Properties'.

Look at all three tabs.  Find which properties are driving the section.  The most common is Topics, but it could also be start/end date or another parameter.  Close the popup.

Now, on the geode of the content you want to remove, click and choose 'Check Out'.  Click 'Okay' in the popup.
Click the geode again and choose 'View Content Properties'.  Change the property or properties that are causing the content to display in the section.  Click Save.

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