Oct 5, 2010

How to Delete a Page

You must be a site author in the group that owns the page.

  1. Log in and navigate to the page to be deleted.  (Page < Open is a fast way to do this)
  2. Turn on EDIT mode in the top toolbar.
  3. In the toolbar, select Page < Delete
  4. Are you sure?  Click Yes.  The page will reload and the status icon in the toolbar will now include a red circle.  The page is not yet deleted, it is just marked for deletion.  
  5. Publish the page (Page < Publish) or send it to workflow (Page < Workflow < Submit)
    • If you have workflow, the page still must be 'Approved' and then it will delete and no longer appear on your site.  

Upon publishing or approving the page, the page will refresh and you will see either a page error or a 404, or be redirected somewhere, depending on how your site is configured.

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