Dec 3, 2010

Content Properties

While each content type has custom fields (such as 'location' for Calendar items), all content share certain common properties that are used to categorize and manage your content in GeoDocs.

To view the properties for a piece of content:

  1. Log in
  2. Click EDIT in the top toolbar to change to Edit Mode
  3. Click the content geode and choose 'View Content Properties' in the dropdown

You will see this window (note that there is no 'save' button at the bottom unless you have the content checked out to you):

Content Details Tab in View Content Properties
Security Tab in View Content Properties

Content Details Tab (properties can be changed manually) :

  • Topics
  • Metadata
  • Group Owner
  • Active/Inactive
  • Public/Non-public
  • Display Start Date/Time
  • Display End Date/Time
  • Priority
  • Send Next (yes/no)

Security Tab (properties cannot be manually edited):

  • Created Date
  • Content ID
  • Created By
  • Modified Date
  • Modified By

*Title is also a common property across all content types, but it is not managed through the 'view content properties' interface.

To edit the properties, you must have the content checked out to you.  You can then edit the properties from the 'View Content Properties' window, or open the piece of content by selecting 'Edit' in the content geode menu.  In both cases you will now have the option to save your changes.  

How these properties are used to manage your content

  • Group Owner - control who can edit the content, or who can view it if it's non-public
  • Public/Non-public - if this box is checked, content is public and can be seen by anyone with access to your website.  If the box is unchecked the content will only appear to visitors who are logged in and a member of the group selected in 'Group Owner'.

Dynamic Display
  • Display Start and End can be used to automatically make content appear and disappear from the site on a schedule you set.  The start date is often used by dynamic sections for sorting order (newest to oldest).
  • Dynamic sections can be programmed (by a developer, not by an author) to sort by many different properties, such as start date, created date, modified date, priority, or one of the custom fields of the content type such as 'event start date' for Calendar items.
  • Dynamic sections always use content type, topics, and date range as filters to determine which content will display within them.    

Site Editing and Maintenance
  • Active/Inactive - this property allows you to make content show only in edit and preview mode so that you can publish a page you're working on without publishing all of its content, or hide content from the users while it is being worked on.  When the content is ready to be seen, just check the box to set it to 'active' again and then publish the content and it will appear on your site again.  

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