Aug 27, 2010

Create a new page or copy an existing page - GeoDocs 8

To create a page or to add sections or menus to a page, you must be assigned the role of "Site Author" in at least one group.

To create a new blank page (no menus or sections):

  1. Click the EDIT mode button
  2. Go to PAGE <  New Page
  3. Give the page a title, caption, and unique name
    • Title:  most websites follow the convention of "page name - site name" (eg - "US Politics - The New York Times")
    • Caption: this is what will show in menus
    • Unique name:  this will become the end of the page URL and can only be used once in the system
  4. Choose other options, such as page template, public or private, etc.
  5. On the next tab, navigate to choose a location for the page.  It will appear as a sub page (or child) of the highlighted page
  6. Save the page - you will see a page with just the background images and geodes at all locations available to add menus or sections.

To make a page with the same menus as another page, you can start this process by navigating to a page with the same menus you want, then choose PAGE < COPY and complete the other steps.   You will create a copy of the page, but with no sections.  If you have several menus on the page this can save a lot of time.

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